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11 Things You Need to Have on Your Virtual Assistant Website


Want to know what to include in your website? Here are 11 website essentials that every virtual assistant website needs to attract clients.

Top Website Essentials

Every business website needs the following elements to set it up for success.

1) Business Logo

Introduce visitors to your brand as quickly as possible. A business logo should be at the top of your website, either in the center or in one of the top corners. Share the logo again in the footer section.

The more people see your business logo, the more they will become familiar with it.

2) Site Menu

Make your website easy to navigate. Don’t confuse visitors with too many options.

Make it easy for people to learn more about you, contact you, read your blog content, and find out what products/services you sell.

3) Headshot

Let people see you! Share a smiling, professional headshot of yourself looking directly at the camera.

This is your way of saying hello and introducing yourself to new website visitors.

4) Headline

Be clear about who you are and what you offer. Whom do you help and how do you help them? Make people curious to learn more.

Don’t make the headline about you so avoid using words like “we”, “us,” or “I”. Make it about the visitor.

5) Call to Action

Your headline should lead people to your CTA. Do you want people to read your blog? View your sample work? Go to your landing page to see your services?

The CTA is usually a button that leads the visitor to another place on your website.

6) Testimonials

Testimonials or reviews are a great way to establish some credibility right away. Ask your clients or customers to provide feedback on something specific you accomplished for them.

Include their picture and website with their testimonial.

7) Blog Content

Creating a blog and writing consistently is a great way to show your expertise and allow people to get to know you.

Craft blog posts around common questions you get and topics you know best.

8) Footer Menu

The footer menu is actually just as important and many people skip this part! The critical elements to include are your copyright and a link to your privacy policy page.

The privacy policy should include the legal jargon to protect your site including any affiliate disclosers.

9) Social Icons

Let’s be honest… many people who visit your website are going to do a little bit of sleuthing! They will want to see your social media accounts and how often you share new content.

This is another way to establish credibility.

10) Email Sign Up

The best way to keep people coming back for more is by offering them a downloadable freebie.

When they sign up for your email list, you can give them all sorts of goodies as well as updates on your blog/business.

11) Search Bar

Depending on how large your site is, consider including a search bar. The search function can really improve the user experience.

The search bar can go next to your head menu, in your footer menu, on your blog page, or within your sidebar.

If you want to learn more about growing a website, here is my on-page SEO checklist and a list of ways to grow your website traffic organically. Plus, don’t forget my guide on how to use the Google Search Console.

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