SEO Services for Creative Small Businesses

Are you missing out on targeted leads from Google?

Are you a small business owner spending what feels like way too much time trying to post content on every single social media platform? Are you struggling to bring potential clients to your website?

Your dream clients are out there looking for you, they just haven’t had luck in finding you… yet.

The secret to bringing more dream clients to your business is making the search engines recognize you as the go-to expert in your industry or location.

How do you make the search engine recognize you as an expert? Search engine optimization for your website.

If that sounds complex, don’t worryyou’ve come to the right SEO consultant!

Are You Wondering If You Should Prioritize SEO Services?

Did you know?

  • SEO drives 1000%+ more organic traffic than posting content regularly on social media.
  •  Do you ever head to the second page on Google search results? 75% of users NEVER do!
  • Nearly half of consumers view 3-5 pieces of content will view 3-5 pieces of content on your website before they contact you.

Don’t let SEO slip through the cracks. Higher rankings are possible for you and your business, especially if you have the right SEO strategies in place!

The Power Of Search Engine Optimization

Discover the power of Google search results for small business owners… I promise it will change how you prioritize your marketing strategies because that’s what it did for me.

My sales page for my Pinterest Management Services began to rank on the first page of Google—my business has never been the same!

Ever since I discovered how search engines could help me grow my business, I’ve been studying the Google algorithm and how to optimize blog content.

Miranda’s SEO work has been a great investment for my business. She audited and reconfigured my whole backend, while I watched my search results climb. It was great! Not only was she incredibly detailed and thorough from start to finish, but she actually cares about the end results for my business and would follow up on trends/changes long after the actual work was done. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with her on future blogs, to keep the SEO juice flowing.

SEO Results For Small Businesses

For the sake of transparency, I cannot guarantee specific results. Every website has different needs and factors that play a role in potentially ranking on the first page of Google.

What I can promise you is that I can show you that SEO doesn’t have to be all that confusing and we can work together to build momentum on Google!

SEO Clean-Up = More Website Clicks

Cleaning up old blog posts and republishing them with updated optimization has improved keyword rankings in a variety of niches.

The bottom line is that the time is now to invest in small business SEO services.

SEO Services for Creative Small Businesses

So you may be wondering how I can help your website show up organically in the search engines. Here are a few ways that we can work together!

SEO Website Audit

An audit is the stepping stone to understand what’s working and what needs improvement on your website for better SEO results.

SEO Essentials

Let’s perform a complete deep dive on your website. This done-for-you SEO service is a 3-month intensive that will improve your website’s SEO health and provide you with a foolproof content calendar.

On-Page SEO Repairs

Got a blog post on your site that’s not ranking as well as you had hoped? With these SEO repairs, you will see better rankings with your published content!

SEO Blog Writing

Want everything taken off your plate including the keyword research, writing, formatting, and checking off all the tasks from the SEO checklist? Hire me to be your blog manager!


Get to Know Me

Hi, I’m Miranda and I’m here to help you solve (at least one of) your marketing problems.

I’ve worked with dozens of small business clients over the years, and I also own my own business.

I can tell you that we all have the same common problem: we don’t have the time and energy to implement all the digital marketing resources. I think we are all thinking the same thing too… UGH. Where should we even start?

I wanted to let you know that I too was once overwhelmed with…

  • the thoughts of writing social media posts
  • finding Instagram hashtags
  • creating lead magnets to try to grow an email list
  • designing social media graphics
  • and trying to learn the best practices for Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, email marketing…

After doing a deep dive into all sorts of analytics, I figured out that most of my organic website traffic was coming from Google.

Once that piqued my interest, I started reading articles and watching YouTube videos by SEO experts on how to navigate search engines.

The game-changer for me was setting up an account on Google Search Console and linking it to my website’s domain. I was so surprised to see the results! My portfolio was ranking on Google as well as a few of my blog posts.

So I’ve learned the in’s and out’s of technical SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, keyword research, and so much more.

In fact, now that I took the time to implement the best practices for SEO and focused on creating blog content, I found out that this was the best way to stay consistently visible on Pinterest and social media.

Having content on your website first makes it much easier to produce new posts on social media and grow your email list. WIN WIN!

Are you Ready To Work Together?

If you’re interested in hiring me, I’d love to hear from you!