21 Email Copywriting Tips: Best Practices Explored

Struggling with writing effective emails? Check out this guide that includes email copywriting tips, best practices, and actionable advice that you can implement in your email marketing campaign.

Writing emails for marketing is important. You want to write emails that grab the reader’s attention and make them want to do something.

Businesses can write emails that will make people want to buy their products. This is called email copywriting. Knowing how to do this can help them get more sales and avoid making mistakes.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to maximize your reach with effective email campaigns and increase customer engagement through powerful messaging.

What is email copywriting?

Email copywriting involves creating written messages that are intended to be sent through email. The primary objective is to capture the recipient’s attention and persuade them to carry out a particular action.

Email copywriting aims to produce interesting content that motivates the recipient to open, read and perform a specific action. This may include buying a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or getting a free resource.

Effective email copywriting requires a clear understanding of the target audience, their needs and desires, and the ability to create persuasive content that resonates with them.

A well-written email can build relationships with subscribers, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions.

Email Copywriting Tips

Effective email copywriting is crucial for achieving your desired results, whether it’s capturing your reader’s attention, boosting engagement, or driving conversions.

To master the art of crafting compelling email content, it’s important to understand and implement some essential best practices.

First thing, knowing your audience and their pain points allows you to create personalized, highly relevant emails that resonate with your readers. This customized approach increases engagement and conversions by speaking directly to your recipients’ needs and preferences.

Second, writing powerful subject lines is key to enticing people to open your emails, as the subject line acts as the gateway to your content. Keep them short, eye-catching, and aligned with the body copy of your email.

Using actionable language, being clear about the benefits of your offer, and personalizing your message are all crucial elements of persuasive email copywriting.

By incorporating these best practices into your emails, you’ll better connect with your audience and enhance the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

1. Understand your target audience

Before diving into email copywriting, it’s important to identify your target audience. Your target audience is the group of people who are most likely to engage with your email campaigns and take action.

To effectively reach this audience, consider factors like age, gender, occupation, location, and interests. Knowing your target audience will help you tailor your email messages to resonate with them and generate better results.

2. Create a buyer persona

Creating a buyer persona is a crucial step in understanding your audience.

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer, based on real data, customer testimonials, and market research. It helps paint a detailed picture of who you are trying to reach, their preferences, and motivations.

In building a buyer persona, consider the following aspects:

  • Demographics: age, gender, location, and income level
  • Psychographics: interests, hobbies, and lifestyle
  • Pain points: challenges or problems your audience faces
  • Goals and aspirations: what your audience wants to achieve

A well-defined buyer persona will guide your email copywriting by providing insights into your readers’ mindset, ensuring your content is relevant and engaging.

3. Determine the pain points

Pain points are the challenges, problems, or obstacles your target audience faces. To create effective email copy, it’s essential to understand these pain points and address them in your messaging.

This demonstrates that you’re aware of their needs and how your product or service can help alleviate their problems.

Consider some common ways of uncovering pain points:

  • Conducting surveys or collecting customer testimonials
  • Monitoring conversations on social media
  • Analyzing customer feedback and inquiries

By knowing and addressing pain points, you’ll build trust and credibility with your audience and improve the overall effectiveness of your email copywriting.

Remember, it is important to know who you are sending your emails to. Take some time and figure out who your audience is. Make a plan of the kind of people you want to send emails to and their needs so that your emails will be interesting and make a difference.

4. Craft the perfect subject line

A well-crafted subject line is crucial for increasing your open rates and ensuring your email content gets read.

This section will discuss some important aspects to consider when creating an effective email subject line.

5. Use some capitalization

Pay attention to capitalization in your subject lines. Using all caps can make your email appear as spam, while using lowercase letters only may give an unprofessional impression.

Strive for a balance by capitalizing the first letter of each word or sentence, just like in standard writing practices.

6. Avoid clickbait

It’s essential to avoid clickbait-type, short subject lines, as they can be misleading and may lead to your emails getting marked as spam.

Keep your subject line honest and related to the content of the email. If recipients feel deceived by a subject line, they are less likely to trust your future emails.

7. Create your unique tone and voice

Your email copy should reflect your brand voice consistently. When deciding on the tone for your email, aim for a conversational and casual style.

Choose your words carefully, and consider your audience’s preferences. Using action verbs will make your copy more engaging and encourage the reader to take action.

You can also keep your language succinct without losing the intended message.

8. Use storytelling

Incorporating storytelling in your email copy is an excellent way to capture your reader’s attention. You can use anecdotes or real-life examples to illustrate your point and make your email more relatable.

Storytelling not only helps to convey your message effectively but also makes it memorable. Remember to keep your stories relevant to your audience and make them an integral part of your overall email copy.

9. Focus on benefits over features

One of the most significant aspects of compelling email copy is the focus on benefits instead of features.

Your readers want to know how your product or service will benefit them, so highlight the advantages rather than discussing the features of your offering.

For example:

FeaturesBenefitsA custom-built softwareSave time and increase productivityA lightweight and portable deviceTake it with you easily and work on the goProviding clear benefits in your email copy helps your reader understand the value of your product or service, increasing the chances of them taking action.

By following these guidelines, you can create compelling email copy that resonates with your audience and generates the desired results.

Remember always to consider your audience’s needs, tell engaging stories, and focus on the benefits you can provide.

10. Keep the copy scannable

The content of your email should be really easy to read.

Most people don’t read emails word-for-word, so make sure your content is easy to scan. Use short paragraphs, subheadings, bullet points, and bold or italicized text to highlight key information.

You can also use visuals such as images, videos, and infographics to supplement your content. This will add interest to your email and make it easier for the reader to understand.

By creating scannable emails, you can ensure that readers quickly find the information they need and take action on your call to action (CTA).

11. Create a powerful welcome email

The welcome email is one of the most effective emails in your automation campaigns, as it sets the tone for the rest of the messages.

Your main focus should be on making a great first impression and building a relationship with your reader. Some tips to achieve this are:

  • Create an attention-grabbing subject line that reflects your brand voice
  • Offer a reward for signing up, such as a discount or free shipping
  • Include social proof to make the message more relevant and trustworthy
  • Provide helpful information about your product or service
  • Give readers the option to unsubscribe or update their preferences easily

Make sure to follow these best practices when writing your welcome email so that you can make a great impression on your readers and establish an effective relationship with them.

12. Subscriber segmentation

One of the most effective ways to increase personalization and relevancy in your email copywriting is through subscriber segmentation.

You can group your subscribers based on demographics, behavior, and preferences. This allows you to tailor your email content to suit your audience’s interests and needs.

For example, you can create industry-specific emails with relevant information and updates if you have subscribers from different industries.

Doing so will make your subscribers feel understood and valued because the content caters to their unique needs.

13. Dynamic content

Another important aspect of personalization is the use of dynamic content. By employing this technique, you can personalize elements within your email based on subscriber data. This could be their name, location, or even their past interactions with your brand.

For instance, you can use dynamic content to showcase products your subscriber has shown interest in previously, or even suggest items they might like based on their browsing history.

Incorporating dynamic content can help make your emails more effective, as it demonstrates that you are attentive to your subscribers’ preferences.

14. Use social proof

Including social proof in your email copy can help establish credibility, trust, and reliability.

Testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content showcase real experiences from your customers or clients that your subscribers can relate to, which in turn builds trust in your brand.

When incorporating social proof, consider the specific needs of your audience. If your target audience is particularly concerned about the quality of your product, showcase positive reviews and case studies detailing the product’s effectiveness.

Alternatively, if your subscribers resonate more with the experiences of like-minded individuals, include testimonials from people in a similar industry or demographic.

By focusing on personalization and relevance, you can make your email copy more engaging and effective for your subscribers.

Remember to use subscriber segmentation, dynamic content, and social proof to create personalized, relatable, and credible emails that resonate with your audience.

15. Have a specific goal for each email

Providing too many options, such as reading a blog post, purchasing a product, visiting a link, or listening to a podcast, can confuse and overwhelm the reader.

To avoid this, concentrate on a single objective that you want to communicate through your email copy. This could be a sales pitch, getting subscribers to read an article, or any other objective you have in mind.

16. Design and placement

A well-designed and strategically placed Call to Action (CTA) can significantly impact your email copywriting conversions.

To set yourself up for success, place your CTA in a highly visible area of the email, and ensure it is easily identifiable.

Use contrasting colors and shapes for your button to make it stand out. Remember to optimize the design for mobile users, as many emails are opened on mobile devices.

17. Actionable language

Effective CTAs rely on actionable language that creates a sense of urgency and entices the reader to click.

When crafting your CTAs, use strong, convincing verbs that demonstrate the benefits of the action. For instance, instead of saying “Click here,” use phrases like “Discover more” or “Claim your discount.”

Personalize your CTAs by addressing your reader’s pain points and preferences, and make sure your message aligns with your email subject line.

18. Try A/B testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a valuable technique to improve your email subject lines.

By testing different versions of a subject line with subsets of your audience, you can determine which one performs better in terms of open rates.

To run an A/B test, follow these steps:

  1. Create two different subject lines for the same content
  2. Randomly split your email list into two equal groups
  3. Send one version to each group
  4. Compare the open rates for each version

Based on this data, you can confidently use the more successful subject line when sending your email to the entire list.

Continually testing different subject lines will help you better understand your audience’s preferences and optimize your email campaigns to boost overall engagement.

Remember to always use a confident, knowledgeable, neutral, and clear tone of voice when writing your email subject lines.

By adhering to these best practices and leveraging A/B testing, you can avoid spam filters and create subject lines that effectively capture your audience’s attention.

To maximize your conversion rates, consider conducting A/B testing on various elements of your CTAs.

By testing different versions of your call-to-action, you can gather data to determine which elements are most effective at driving click-through rates.

Experiment with different button colors, text, placement, and other aspects of design. A/B testing enables you to continuously refine your call-to-action and achieve optimal results in your email campaigns.

19. Track your email metrics

To ensure your email copywriting is effective, tracking specific metrics is essential. These will help you gauge your campaigns’ success and make real-time adjustments.

Key metrics to monitor include:

  • Open rates: The percentage of recipients who open your emails.
  • Click-through rates: The percentage of recipients who click on the links within your emails.
  • Conversion rates: The percentage of recipients who perform a desired action, like purchasing a product or signing up for a webinar.

By tracking these performance indicators, you can better understand your target audience’s behavior and interests, allowing you to fine-tune your copy accordingly.

20. Mobile optimization

In today’s world, many users access their emails on mobile devices, so it’s crucial to optimize your email copy and design for smaller screens.

Here are some tips for creating mobile-friendly emails:

  • Use responsive templates or designs that automatically adjust to different screen sizes.
  • Keep your subject lines short and engaging, as they may be truncated on mobile devices.
  • Be brief and concise in your email copy to prevent users from scrolling excessively.
  • Avoid large images and heavy file sizes that may take longer to load on mobile connections.

Mobile optimization can significantly improve your open and click-through rates, leading to better conversion rates and overall campaign success.

By monitoring key metrics, conducting split tests, and optimizing for mobile devices, you can ensure that your email copywriting is as effective as possible.

21. Avoid using jargon

To effectively communicate with your audience, it’s important to avoid using confusing jargon or highly technical language in your emails. This is especially true for both newsletters and promotional emails. When writing your email copy, consider the following tips:

  • Write in a conversational tone, aiming to make your content easily digestible and enjoyable to read.
  • Avoid industry-specific terms or abbreviations that may not be familiar to your audience. If you must use them, provide a clear explanation or definition.
  • Use simple, clear language to convey your message; this will increase the likelihood that your audience will understand and engage with your content.

Other Email Types and Considerations


Newsletters are a powerful tool in your email marketing arsenal. They can help you maintain a strong connection with your subscribers, providing valuable content, updates, and promotions.

As you create newsletter emails, remember to:

  • Curate content with relevance to your audience’s interests, such as articles, blog posts, or industry news.
  • Keep the design clean and easy to navigate, with headings, bullet points, and an organized layout.
  • Encourage your readers to share the newsletter by including social sharing buttons.
  • Monitor your newsletter’s performance and adjust the content and design as needed, based on user engagement and feedback.

Promotional Emails

Promotional emails are essential for driving sales and promoting new products or offers.

These emails are meant to entice your subscribers to take action – either making a purchase or signing up for a trial, for example.

To create compelling promotional emails:

  • Write eye-catching subject lines that clearly convey the value or benefit of the promotion.
  • Personalize the email by addressing your subscriber and tailoring the offer to their preferences, if possible.
  • Avoid lengthy paragraphs; use short sentences, bullet points, or tables to clearly present your offer and its benefits.
  • Incorporate strong calls-to-action, instructing your readers on the next steps to claim the offer or make a purchase.

Final Thoughts

We provided you with email copywriting tips that you can immediately use to improve the results of your email marketing campaigns.

By leveraging these emails copywriting techniques, you can effectively engage your audience and create compelling content that drives results.

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