6 Tasks You Can Outsource to a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Do you own an online business and market your brand online? In the likelihood that you do, I’d love to tell you about why Pinterest marketing is worth your while. Plus I’m explaining why you should hire a Pinterest Virtual Assistant to manage your Pinterest account.

Working with Pinterest requires patience, but the endgame can be so rewarding. Publishing new, high-quality content on Pinterest can help you grow your business over time!

Pinterest announced in September 2018 that it has 250 million monthly active users. Pinterest statistics like that are staggering. Talk about a massive amount of opportunity to expose your brand! If you own a website, you can use Pinterest to boost your web traffic.

Because of those reasons, Pinterest virtual assistants are in high demand. Social media management is a popular service among freelancers, contractors, and VAs. I started working as a Pinterest VA years ago and offer my own Pinterest services now.

Let’s answer some basic questions first.

Related: How to Become a Pinterest Manager

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant (VA) is a contractor, freelancer, or employee that provides services to other businesses. Typically, a VA work at home because of high-speed internet, social media, and document sharing. VAs are generally self-employed individuals. However, I’ve seen start-up companies hire remote employees.

Have you ever heard of a virtual assistant before? They’ve actually been around since the 1990s when the internet started to take off. Then, they grew in popularity after the publication of The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss.

Now we’re ready to answer the core question.

What Does a Pinterest Virtual Assistant Do?

There is a variety of work that Pinterest managers and virtual assistants can offer. Here is a basic list of services:

  • Design Pinterest graphics
  • Keyword research for pin descriptions
  • Review and analyze Pinterest analytics and insights
  • Use a software like Tailwind to manage and schedule Pinterest content
  • Create and monitor Pinterest advertisements (known as Promoted Pins)

At the end of the day, all of these services can help business owners focus on creating content for their business. Then they can hire a Pinterest virtual assistant to manage their Pinterest and promote their business!

1) Follow and Implement Pinterest Best Practices

Pinterest, like the rest of social media, contains an algorithm designed to prioritize quality content to show it’s users. Unlike the other platforms, Pinterest actually gives you content tips. Here is a quick list of Pinterest marketing tasks:

  • Pin new content consistently
  • Research and stay up to date on seasonal trends
  • Apply keyword descriptions to pins and Pinterest boards
  • Design cohesive pin graphics that reflect your brand

2) Design Pinterest Graphics

Creating Pinterest graphics is the first step you should take before publishing anything on Pinterest. Pinterest also provides guidelines for creating pin graphics and tips on sizing images for your pins.

3) Perform Pinterest Keyword Research

Every pin published should have a title and brief descriptions that can tell pinners what the pin is about. Virtual assistants can look into the keywords to apply to each pin—and don’t forget the hashtags!

4) Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest analytics are really useful and keep getting better and better. Referral traffic from Pinterest is also recorded in Google Analytics.

5) Scheduling Pin Content

Pinterest VAs can manually publish pin content. It’s simple to schedule pins ahead of time using a pin scheduler like Tailwind. (I do earn a $15 credit if you sign up through me. Don’t worry, you’ll receive a $15 credit too!) Tailwind allows you to schedule pins to multiple boards.

What kind of content do VAs pin? For the most part, they will share blog posts that link back to their clients’ websites. In addition, I’ve also pinned Instagram images, quote graphics, and pins that promote email opt-ins.

Related: Benefits of Using Tailwind for Pinterest Marketing

6) Pinterest Advertising

Promoted Pins are Pinterest are truly amazing. First, they’re relatively inexpensive. Second, after the promotion period ends, your promoted pins live forever on Pinterest.

A virtual assistant can work with their clients to decide on what kind of content to promote. Once that’s established, a VA can create and manage the promoted content on Pinterest.

The best Pinterest VAs are very proactive and thorough in their management skills. Pinterest managers stay up to date on what’s changing over at Pinterest. They keep their clients informed on what’s performing well for their business. They make suggestions on areas of improvement.

Most VAs work at home, so they have flexible schedules. You can easily hire a VA from anywhere in the world to outsource your Pinterest management.

Pinterest can take several months to see promising results. Hang in there! Once there is consistent progress, that success will come, and when it’s here—it takes off running!

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